Winter Weather Reminder
Good morning, @Everyone!
I just wanted to give you a little update about the snow at my house so you can prepare your children: I have a little bitty skiff 😅 Maybe half an inch, and it is wet and slushy. It looks like it’s turning into rain so it will not be the best snowsuit weather, since it will just make snowsuits wet and heavy. I believe a good winter coat and some good wet-weather shoes will suffice for our outdoor playtime because I will wipe the toys down before we play on them :) That is, if it’s not pouring down rain. If it’s pouring down, then we will most likely wiggle our bodies inside so that the children aren’t miserable. 😅 I do hope to get outside at some point!!
Since this is our first official snow of the season, I figured I’d remind you of the inclement weather policy (well it’s not really a policy, but I don’t know what else to call it) anyways, since I cannot judge the weather and road conditions around you, I will typically not call school off for a snow day unless my street and the hill beside me is super dangerous and not cleared off enough, or if I don’t have power. But unless I say something along those lines, I will be open for school! However, you are more than welcome to choose to not come if you do not feel like it’s safe!! You can be the judge of what’s around you and make that decision and it will count as a one of your free absences, if you haven’t already had two for the month.
That is all!! ☺️ See you soon!!