Good morning!
I am going to get back to doing these check-ins on Mondays at some point 😆😅 Just a couple of things for this week:
Invoices: We are at the end of the month, so invoices will be going out this week. Payment is due February 3rd, or since the 3rd is a Monday, if you’re paying by cash/check, you can bring it Tuesday ☺️
Intent to Re-Enroll forms are going home this week! If you’ve been in my class before, the form will look a little different! I’m sending a simpler form that essentially says either Yes or No. Please return this form by the week of February 12-13 so I know exactly how many spots I have available to offer the families on my waitlist. Those of you that say “Yes,” I’ll send you a link to register, just like when you originally registered, but you’ll have a discounted enrollment fee ☺️
I think that is all? I will see you all in just a few hours!!