Frequently Asked Questions
The Answers You Need
How much does it cost?
For individual one-hour lessons that are either math or reading/writing it is $30. If you would rather your child have reading, writing, and math lessons, I have a bundled special where you can save 30% per month on lessons. For more detailed information, visit the "What We Offer" tab.
Are there any opportunities for my child to socialize with other kids?
Yes! Children NEED to socialize and make friends! That is why there will be field trips and events where the students and families can get to know one another and we can build a community of support. If there are enough students within the same grade, I would also love to have a monthly small group lesson where the kids can learn from each other while they play games and participate in learning centers.
What if I live out of town? Can my child still get lessons?
Yes! I also offer online lessons and would be more than happy to mail lesson materials to you in order to make it work!
What does a lesson look like?
The structure of each subject looks a little bit different, so I will break it up:
Reading/Writing: During this session, we will begin with the reading portion where we will review previously taught sight words/skills with a hands-on activity as a warm-up. Then, I will listen to you read and adjust your reading level as needed. A reading skill activity follows, and then we will finish with getting a new book to take home and practice. Writing lessons will look different with each age. Pre-K and Kindergarten will work on handwriting and letter formation until the basic skills are mastered and then we will move on to fun writing activities, like sending secret notes or writing to a pen pal. I would also love the older grades to get connected with a pen pal, too, and creating their own narrative stories. I will also challenge these students to write persuasive and opinion pieces about real-world topics that matter to them.
Math: My math lessons follow the same general outline, but the content for each child may be different depending on their academic skill and needs. A typical lesson will begin with a review of a previously learned skill, followed by an introduction to a new concept. I will model the concept, then we will work through it together as guided practice, and then he or she will get the chance to practice on his or her own. I will end each lesson discussing observations or clarifying any questions the student might have. This last step determines if the student might need more practice, a different way to learn the concept, or if they mastered it, we build on this lesson with the next!